Steven+Alison Hoober

Contact or Visit Us

The choice is yours.

Email us

There are whitelists, sometimes we change addresses, and so on. If you don't know our email addresses, this is the best way to get an email to us. After this, though, we'll email you back and you can save it to your address book. Promise.



Call us

These are our mobile numbers. We really never use the house phone, and would be suprised if it rang. And, when we switch from SBC, to Vonage, to Nothing, to Vonage, we never port. We don't even have the same number we did last year. Use the mobile.


+1 816 210 0455


+1 816 210 0468

Visit us

We like visitors, and presents. Come by or mail us something.

Steven & Alison Hoober

5600 Russell Avenue

Mission, Kansas 66202

Get directions to here with Google maps,
or Mapquest,
or Yahoo!.

More Geolocation

If you need to target us with a GPS-based weapon, or are just a GIS nerd like me, this is another version of where we are. I would also like to take this opportunity to rant about the address above. We are on Russell Avenue. There is no Russell Street. Streets run east/west here. Avenues run north/south. Street is not a generic, but is a specific label. And Lane is abbreviated LN, not LA. Fight the stupidity!


15 356334E 4321139N


15S UD 56334 21141

Lat/Long (DEG MIN.MMM)

39° 01.650' N

94° 39.582' W

Altitude, I think

1021 ft

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